Tuesday, November 24, 2009

House for the Holidays

The Old House Revival Company and Antique Mall invite you to savour all the wonders of the season by visiting our store, now decorated for the holidays!

"There's no place like 'House' for the holidays!"

Holiday Hours
November 26- open late until 8 pm
November 26-29- Customer Appreciation Event and Sale 
December 24- 10 am-2 pm
December 25 and 26- Closed
December 31- 10 am-2 pm
January 1- Closed

If you have holiday plans in your future, please visit The Old House Revival Company and Antique Mall for your hosting needs. We carry an amazing range of items to create that perfect look for your home. From an ornately carved dining room suite, to beautiful linens for your table, we offer a unique shopping experience that allows you to cross multiple tasks off your 'to-do' list for the holidays! We also carry vintage decorations, incredible lighting and personalized gifts your loved ones will cherish. 

Wall sconces, mirrors and glittering candle sticks make wood come alive!

The entry of The Old House Revival Company is ready for holiday entertaining.

Buffet sold as a set with extendable table, 6 chairs and additional sideboard.

1960s Tinsel Tree bedecked with red and pink vintage ornaments.

Vintage children's sleigh can be used for indoor decor or outdoor fun!

Sparkly accents make winter rooms come to life.

The best trips are always down Memory Lane.....build your own with these darling cardboard homes from Christmas past.

Stacked suitcases make an impromptu table when needed....great for extra guests!

Amazing retro dining set includes table and 4 matching chairs.

We carry loads of decorative accents that make your home unique!

Vintage glass garlands and lead tinsel- the finishing touches for your tree!

Painted furniture creates a warm feeling in the kitchen and is easy to maintain.

A faux brick fireplace mantel invites stockings and Santa, the perfect focal point for your room!

Gifts abound in our Antique Mall, truly something for everyone on your list 
(naughty and nice!)

Grates (wall, floor and cold air return) and hardware are the finishing touches of a room; think of them as jewelry for your home. 
The third floor log cabin has been filled to the brim for the holidays! An amazing assortment of goodies and gifts.

We also carry a wide range of tools to make holiday cooking and baking more enjoyable for the chef in your life!

Inspired yet? We hope so! 
Please come visit us over the holidays at The Old House Revival Company and Antique Mall.

Friday, November 6, 2009

November 2009


We will be closed on Remembrance Day to pay tribute to the memory of those who died in service, to honour those who were injured, and to recognize the ongoing peacekeeping efforts of our Canadian Troops.

This fall we have had 2 new vendors join The Old House Revival Company and Antique Mall, and would like to welcome them both into our family. NZ is a life-long collector herself and has chosen some wonderful pieces to make her October debut on the second floor. New for November, SA has created a space featuring an eclectic range of ‘must-have’ items to compliment your home on the third floor. We invite you to come down and have a look at the new sections of our store for inspiration and great shopping!

We had a wonderful time as the Special Guests during Tomboy Tools Canada’s Fun Surprise Warehouse Event on October 24th. It was lovely to meet so many new faces and share creative ideas with the attendees. Thank you to the Tomboy Tools team for the invitation and all the fun!

Thank you to all who came to visit our store during the lead up to Halloween. We were all decorated for the spooky season and served Spider Cider and treats on October 31st. Now that the bats and spider webs have been stored for another year, we are already thinking about the holidays ahead, and will have the store holiday-ready on Monday, November 16th.

And finally, please join our Customer Appreciation Event running from Thursday, November 26th to Sunday November 29th. We will be open late (11:30 am to 8:00 pm) on Thursday the 26th to help you get a head start on your holiday shopping! As a thank you to all of our wonderful customers we will be serving hot apple cider and treats to help establish the festive feeling, and will be having sales throughout the store.  We look forward to seeing you at this yearly event!

IDEAS FOR YOR HOME- Cabinets of Curiosities 

 We receive so many nice compliments on the mood of our store from customers new and old alike, but the most apt description I have ever heard of The Old House is that we are like a Cabinet of Curiosities; filled to the brim with treasures that inspire questions and lead to a better understanding of our Canadian past.

 True cabinets of curiosities originated in the 1500s where wealthy Europeans would display artifacts and natural history objects from their explorative travels and trading voyages. These collections often were housed in their own rooms, although many treasures were placed inside furniture (like cabinets) for safekeeping. These collections were pre-cursers to modern museums, and the items helped scientists of the day to develop a more complete understanding of the natural world.

 Fall is an ideal time to create your own Cabinet of Curiosities, drawing on items you have collected over the summer months and bringing nature indoors to enjoy as we head into our cold season. It is a visually attractive way to corral small found items like an abandoned bird’s nest, a seashell and an antler into a single entity, and collecting nature is a perfect way to involve the children in your life and add wonder to theirs.

 Your personal creation need not be an entire room like the original Cabinets of Curiosities often were, but can be built into any size or shape of furniture intended for display. Pictured above are 2 examples that show the diversity of ideas in creating a modern version- a small wall-hung display of collected seashells glued into an old type set drawer, or a larger cabinet re-painted and filled with cherished finds. Both demonstrate the amazing diversity found in nature and our human desire to collect and understand the world we live in.

 At The Old House Revival Company and Antique Mall, we have both the Cabinets and many Curiosities in store. We would love to assist you as you begin your own collection and invite you to visit us in store to begin your own collection of curiosities.

NEW CONTEST- What is it? 

Our new monthly contest will feature a picture of an old and odd item, and we invite you to submit your ideas/answers as to what it is (name and/or purpose) via our e-mail. A winner will be randomly drawn from all the correct entries and will be awarded a $50 gift certificate to spend in our store. Winners will be contacted through e-mail and can pick up their gift certificate at The Old House Revival Company and Antique Mall located at 324 Young Street, Winnipeg.


What is it? Please submit your best guess during the month of November 2009 to our e-mail- house@theoldhouserevival.com

 We will post the correct answer and new item in our December Blog. Good luck and happy guessing!