Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Old House at Gardening Saturday 2009

The Old House will be at the Friends of the Assiniboine Park Conservatory Gardening Saturday again this year.
On Saturday, May 9th, the Friends will host the 2nd Annual Gardening Saturday at the Canadian Mennonite University, 500 Shaftesbury Blvd. (just down the street from the Conservatory) 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. With over 20 gardening workshops, and 55 vendor displays.
The Old House will be one of the vendor displays!
See you there.
For more information about the Friends of Assiniboine Park Gardening Weekend head to their website...its a full weekend long event with a "Pots and What Nots" Party on Friday and A Mother's Day Plant sale on Sunday. If you love to garden, you don't want to miss it!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hoppy Easter

Old House Revival Company - Easter Weekend Hours

Closed Good Friday
Open Saturday 11:30 to 5
Closed Easter Sunday

Regular Hours resume on Monday April 13th

Monday - Saturday: 11:30 to 5:00
Sunday: Noon to 5

Enjoy the sunshine everyone.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Spring Cleaning

Did you know we have a great selection of Antique Tin Tile ...

all neatly stored and easy to look through? Don't forget to slip on the pair of work gloves we keep handy to prevent to your hands from getting scraped up.

Not only our collection of door headers has been magically reorganized in the night!

It is now easy to flip through our selection and to see all the beautiful detail. (Thanks Mo.)

Look at these lovely Arts and Crafts era headers.

The store is taking on a fresh new spring look as our Antique Mall vendors bring in more and more seasonal items.

Have you picked out your Easter Bonnet yet?