Friday, March 27, 2009

Preview of Coming Attractions

We're so excited about changes we've been making in our hardware section --we just had to share...even though we're still in the process of organizing everything.

We love our jumbled piles of hardware...but we also like it when that little bit of something you really need is easy to find.

We've opened up that area of the take better advantage of the natural and artificial light in that will now be easier to see all those wonderful mortise locks, plates, and knobs we have.

Slowly but surely we've been working on sorting and labeling all our hardware treasure.

Pretty neat huh?

We are also planning on creating a beautiful bathroom feature area...we have some great bath sparkly glass towel rods and spiffy pedestal sinks that need to be shown off!
Check out our work in progress.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Spring Inspiration

A few days ago, as I walked to work
...the birds were singing
...the sun was shinining
...and I got to thinking about my yard and garden.

If you are in the same Spring time frame of mind, look to The Old House for inspiration.

When I got to work I started seeing all kinds of possibilities around the shop that would make great planters. Everything from enamel dishware, stoneware, crocks, galvanized tubs, pails, fireplace inserts, porcelain sinks and wood crates would look fantastic with cheerful flowers blooming out of them.

Breathe in the warmer air. Flowers will bloom from all kinds of interesting a few months you can see them for real and not just in your imagination.

Melting down and mellowing out,

Friday, March 6, 2009

Hardware in Bulk

Recent Arrival - Hardware in bulk!

Eight matching sets of plates and knobs - egg and dart pattern.

Coffee cans and Soup pails full of hardware.

Hardware comes to us in all sorts of conditions and in all sorts of containers. We recently aquired one coffee can and one soup pail full of "younger hardware" -- Amerock pulls.